Functions and Missions

Quyết định số 726/QĐ-VHL ngày 01 tháng 3 năm 2023 của Chủ tịch Viện Hàn lâm KHCNVN ban hành Quy chế Tổ chức và hoạt động của Viện Sinh thái và Tài nguyên sinh vật

Functions: The Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources has the following functions: conducting basic research and technological development, providing scientific and technological services, and training services in the field of ecology, biodiversity, and biological resources.


  1.  To investigate and conduct research on the structure and function of ecosystems, the fauna and flora in order to provide a scientific basis for the management of natural resources and the environment.
  2. To conduct research on conservation, sustainable utilization and development of ecosystem and biological resources, especially endangered, precious, and rare species as well as the species with special values on research, conservation, economic and culture.
  3. To evaluate, monitor and forecast the impact of environment and climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity; and to propose solutions to mitigate impacts and facilitate adaptation.
  4. To conduct research on biological agents that cause diseases in plants, animals, and zoonoses; and propose solutions to prevent and control diseases in plants and animals, and human health protection.
  5. To implement the tasks of the Vietnam CITES scientific authority; provide technical advice to authorities and organizations in the field of biodiversity, ecology, and biological resources.
  6. To collect, receive, store, and exchange specimens of plants and animals for the purpose of research, education, conservation, and applied development.
  7. To provide scientific and technological services in the field of ecology, biodiversity, biological resources, and other related fields.
  8. To compile scientific documents on the fauna and flora of Vietnam, National Red List, Red Data Book, and other monographs related to biodiversity, ecology, and biological resources.
  9. To provide training services in the field of ecology, biodiversity, biological resources, and related disciplines.
  10. To cooperate internationally in ecology, biodiversity, biological resources, and related disciplines.
  11. To implement organization and personnel management in compliance with Vietnamese laws and regulations of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
  12. To implement financial and property management according to the provision of Vietnamese laws and regulations of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
  13. To undertake additional missions assigned by the President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.


Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP of the Government: Management, provision, and use of Internet services and online information

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Decision No. 80/2014/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister: Pilot regulations on hiring information technology services in state agencies

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