Summary of activities in 2023

Monday - 08/04/2024 23:51 267 0
Summary of activities in 2023
Summary of activities in 2023
About the unit's science and technology achievements in the last 5 years
Each year, the Institute of Natural Resources and Environment presides over the implementation of about 80-100 science and technology tasks at all levels, including many state-level, ministerial-level, and provincial-level projects related to Vietnam's fauna and flora, the use of sustainable use of biological resources, biodiversity and conservation of genetic resources, ecology, environmental impact assessment and effects of climate change, monitoring and treatment of environmental pollution. The Institute of Biological Resources has made many contributions to the cause of protecting natural resources, using and sustainably developing biological resources both on land, sea and islands. Institute staff have participated in research and building technical arguments, investment projects to establish more than 50 nature reserves, building dossiers of world natural heritage sites, ASEAN heritage gardens, and protected areas. RAMSAR wetland conservation in Vietnam. The Institute of Wildlife Conservation has been honored as an organization with many contributions to wildlife research and conservation in the period 2010-2020.
Some research directions are directly related to life and socio-economics such as disease prevention in humans, animals and plants, conservation and development of medicinal plants, and application of indigenous knowledge. The Institute's staff also participates in many environmental impact assessment projects for hydropower, thermal power, nuclear power, industrial parks, mineral exploitation, road construction, port construction, etc. .in Vietnam and Laos.
In 2021, the Institute of Student Health will preside over about 100 science and technology tasks at all levels. Some important national level topics such as Projects under the Central Highlands Program, Projects under Program 562, Basic Investigation projects, Environmental protection projects. The Institute presides over 24 projects sponsored by the National Science and Technology Development Fund, nearly 30 projects at the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology level and 4 cooperation tasks with ministries and localities. All projects ensure progress, have good results, and some projects have outstanding products. International cooperation projects and foreign-funded NGOs (HSI, USAID, WCS, WWF,...) are also highly appreciated by partners and maintain long-term cooperative relationships.
The Institute's staff also participates in consulting in the development of laws and policies related to nature conservation in Vietnam as well as actively participating in activities related to international conventions that Vietnam signed such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention on International Trade in Threatened Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Law on Biodiversity, the Law on Forestry, the Law on Fisheries and other Government decree.
Project announced
During the period 2016-2021, staff of the Institute of SVST published about 650 articles in the ISI list, registered 7 international patents, 2 national patents, more than 200 other international articles, 150 articles articles in the magazine of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 250 articles in other national magazines and scientific conference proceedings, 50 textbooks/monographs/references; announced 5 new varieties and more than 420 new species for science. On average, each staff member publishes about 1.3 ISI articles/year. Notably, among the international publications, there are many articles in the prestigious ISI category (Nature, Scientific Reports, Biological Conservation, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,...) and with international reputation. The book series Animals and Plants of Vietnam is a product of an independent project at the Academy level for the period 2016-2018 and won the A good book award in 2019.
The Institute of Biological Resources and Environment participates in postgraduate training with the Academy of Science and Technology, organizing university students to do research internships in the field of ecology and biological resources.

Author: admin

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